In the unfortunate event a policy is canceled or lapses due to non-payment, you have the ability, if you choose, to deduct the amount of the chargeback from your Team Member's bonus.
To Enable Chargebacks:
- Go to Agency Setup
- Click on Step 3: Bonus & Incentives
- Under Payroll & Commission Settings, click on the How Do You Pay? icon.
- Scroll down to the question that says "How do you manage chargebacks?" and click on the option that says "Manage Chargeback Settings"
- For each category, you can select if you want to charge back the Team Member for the full bonus they received, a prorated amount, or a custom amount.
- Next, select when you want to apply the chargebacks:
- If you select on the chargeback period, the chargeback will apply on the date of the period you select. (For example, if you select it to be charged back on January 10th, it will be deducted from January's bonus, which in most cases is paid out in February.)
- If you select on the next next period after chargeback period, that same January 10th policy would be deducted from February's bonus (most commonly paid out in March).
- When finished, click Save.
To Enter a Chargeback:
- Click on the Sales tab
- Locate the policy to be charged back and open it by clicking the edit icon
- This will open the policy on the sales page. Locate the field called "Chargeback Date", enter the date of the chargeback, then click Update Sale. [Please note: It is very important that you enter chargeback dates as you become aware of them, to ensure significant delays are avoided, which would cause the chargeback to be deducted from a pay period that has already passed.]
- You can then view the chargeback by clicking on the Bonus tab and selecting the appropriate team member and bonus month for the chargeback date. In this example, the date of the chargeback was June 7, so to view the chargeback for that month, we have selected June 2022:
- You can also view the chargeback details by navigating to the category of the policy (Auto, Fire, Life, Health, Bank) and clicking on the information button next to "Chargebacks":
Important Note: If you select a chargeback date on a period that has already been paid out, it will not charge it off in the next period. Instead, it will attempt to deduct the commission from the commission of the date you selected, which will be a pay period that has already passed and closed. To avoid this, please enter your chargebacks on a monthly basis.
If the policy being charged back is from a locked previous period:
- Go to the Bonus Tab.
- Select the Team member and month that the policy was written.
- Uncheck ‘Paid & Locked’ and hit Submit. (This opens that sales periods so now you can go to the Sales tab and enter the chargeback date.)
- Once this has been completed, you will go back and lock the sales period again.
If you have any remaining questions after reviewing our Help Articles, please send an email to Please be descriptive and include as much info as possible in order to expedite a resolution. You may also visit the Support tab, located at the top of the page, for additional helpful resources!
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